Welcome to Truth Be Told!

It's been a huge blessing to have so many people read these blog entries. With a passion for writing, I felt it laid on my heart to use my life, with all of it's ups and downs, to relate to others and help them with whatever they may be going through. My prayer is that God will speak to you through my writing, just like he has spoken to me. Although many of my blogs contain personal information and opinions (my life is an open book), I seek to only write what I know to be true - revelations that have been made to me from God through his word and Spirit :) As I have stated in many of my blog entries before, I am not perfect, nor do I claim to be "holier than thou" or "have it all together". Anyone that knows me would tell you that I am far from that. I'll be the first to tell you that I am a horrible, messed up human being who would be nothing without the grace of God. So all the thanks to him, for using my life to help others and further his kingdom :) I am just a messenger, my friends! Enjoy these entries, be challenged by them, and use them to grow closer to God.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Time to Right Some Wrongs..

I've been reading over some old entries I have written and some of them have really been eating at me. There have been a couple posts that I felt were spot on, but I am now realizing that I am wrong. For this reason, I feel I need to apologize to my readers.

In "God Hates Religion", I talked about how much God hated religion and how we shouldn't be trying to live by a set of rules, but by faith in God alone. I still believe that a relationship with God is much more essential than simply living the life of a religious person. It's one thing to go through the motions, but it's a completely other thing to truly pursue God and pursue a relationship with him. Religion, if simply moralistic living, is not what God wants. However, God does love the church. In fact he died for the church (his people). And he came to fulfill the law.

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." - Matthew 5:17

And I forgot to mention that God does give us a set of guidelines to live by. But they are to help us and protect us and further sanctify us. 

“If you walk in my statutes and observe my commandments and do them, then I will give you your rains in their season, and the land shall yield its increase, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit." - Leviticus 19:23-25

"If you love me, you will obey what I command" - John 14:15

When we love God and truly seek to please, honor and be sanctified, then we will want to follow those commands. Because we know it's for our own good and He loves us. 
Now for my most recent post, "To the Christian Men". I do feel now that I was wrong. I still feel that we should all be respectful to our brothers and sisters. But I believe I may have been misleading to the guys that they should start pursuing more in-depth guy-girl friendships. Men, you're only job is to lead your wife and to treat them as precious and rubies and gems. It never said to do that for all women. It's not fair of me to ask you to step up to a certain standard of living that isn't necessarily Biblical. For that I am sorry. 

In all honesty, my heart was not in the right place in writing either of these posts. I have noticed that of all my posts, those two had the most bitter undertones. I did not write with words of encouragement or conviction like I do in my usual blog posts. I let my own opinions and personal experiences get in the way of what was true. For "God Hates Religion", I was not educated enough to write something like that. I'm not a theologian by any means. Nor do I know what God "loves" or "hates". How dare I claim to know the mind of God. And in "To The Christian Men" - I was speaking from anger and not out of love. It was geared by hurt and I wasn't encouraging. I am sorry for being misleading. I am sorry for presenting false information. It pains me to ever loose credibility with my writing in this way. My goal has always been to speak the truth as I know it from God. I do this for Him. And for me to selfishly make claims and call them "truths" is just wrong. I asked God to forgive me, but I need to repent to you, my readers. I am deeply sorry and I hope that you all will forgive me. Even though I am human and will fail at times, I will do my best to never let this happen again.

Also, thank you for reading my blogs and for the kind words you have sent me. I love hearing how they have helped you! That is all God's doing. I'm just happy to be the messenger. I will continue to write blogs out of love for you all. I know I've made a couple mistakes, but there's so much good that has been done that I can't let these mistakes stop me. Therefore, I will keep writing with the wisdom only God gives :) 

My grandma Theresa, before she passed away last weekend, told me something that I will never forget. Her words are etched in my mind forever. For some reason, her words reaffirmed my calling and maybe that's why they are so special to me. "Your blogs are really good, Lottie. I read them all the time and you talk about some deep stuff. You keep writing, okay?"

I will, Grandma. I will. 

Love you and miss you. I'm still writing and always will. I hope you can read these from Heaven :)  

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