It's so true right?
I wrote an article for Her Campus UNI entitled "You Know He Likes You If..." and it was basically an article with opinions from various college women about how they can tell if a guy is in to them. As I looked through their answers, a common theme ran throughout:
When you love someone, you give them your time.
It's the pursuit. It's the commitment. It's the sacrifice. What it all comes down to is the giving of yourself and your time. That's how you know love and show love.
Writing that article made me realize how ridiculous us girls can be at times. We spend wasted time on boys that we hope will talk to us and eventually date us, even if deep down we know they have no intention to. I can't tell you how many times I've heard both guys and girls say 'if he wants to pursue you, he will'. Simple. Hard to swallow. Truth.
Now, I've come around to accepting this truth over the past couple months. I've had to swallow my pride and stop chasing, hoping, and wishing. I have learned to be patient and to stop complicating things so much. It's simple. If he wants to pursue me, he will. And how will I know he's pursuing me? Through the amount of time he dedicates to me. This can be seen by the amount of texting each day, taking the time out of his day to hang out with me, or take the time to have actual conversations that goes beyond small talk. He might even do something with me that he doesn't care to do nor has time to do, but does it anyways. These are all pretty strong indicators of a man pursuing you. He does it with his time.
The more I thought about this concept, the more I thought about my pursuit of Christ. I say I love God, but if one of the strongest ways of showing your love for someone is by sacrificing your time, then I really need to reevaluate myself in that category. How much time do I spend hanging out with God, serving others for him, or digging into the Word? How much time do I give myself each day to talk to him? Thirty minutes before I go to bed? If this was my relationship with a man, I'd be the worst girlfriend in the history of the world.
Truth is, our relationship with God is exactly that: a relationship! One that involved communication, quality time, serving one another, and genuinely loving each other. When you love someone, you would never fathom only speaking to that person once when you wake up before work, then once before your go to bed just to tell him about all your problems that need to be fixed. You would show your love for that person by giving him your time.
When you love someone, you give them your time. How much time are you giving God?
Great reminders, both about boy-girl relationships and God-human relationships. Thank you!