Welcome to Truth Be Told!

It's been a huge blessing to have so many people read these blog entries. With a passion for writing, I felt it laid on my heart to use my life, with all of it's ups and downs, to relate to others and help them with whatever they may be going through. My prayer is that God will speak to you through my writing, just like he has spoken to me. Although many of my blogs contain personal information and opinions (my life is an open book), I seek to only write what I know to be true - revelations that have been made to me from God through his word and Spirit :) As I have stated in many of my blog entries before, I am not perfect, nor do I claim to be "holier than thou" or "have it all together". Anyone that knows me would tell you that I am far from that. I'll be the first to tell you that I am a horrible, messed up human being who would be nothing without the grace of God. So all the thanks to him, for using my life to help others and further his kingdom :) I am just a messenger, my friends! Enjoy these entries, be challenged by them, and use them to grow closer to God.

Monday, April 9, 2012

More Than Just A Good Story

“If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.' If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also." John 15:18-20. 

Last night I watched "The Passion of the Christ" with a couple of my friends. It was Easter so what better time to watch it? By the way, if you've never seen the movie, I recommend you watch it. There's something about visually seeing what Jesus did for us that makes it sink in a little bit more. There's a scene in the movie that really caught my attention and made me feel super convicted. Jesus was washing his disciples feet and told them "if the world hates you, remember that it hated me first. Also, remember what I told you: 'A servant is not great than his master.' If they persecute me, they will persecute you also." Then it cut back to a scene where he was completely covered in his own blood, being spit on, mocked, and beat up. He was pushed to the ground like a rag doll. His face was distorted to the point of being unrecognizable. 

Holy cow.

That actually happened. Like...legit. And the horrors of what really happened are ten times more intense than what they showed in the movie. I was blown away more than I ever was before. I've seen it before but for some reason it was harder this time. It was horrible to watch . In fact, I couldn't even watch half of it because I was shutting my eyes. I don't like movies where people die. And this was like thee ultimate death. Needless to say, I don't handle it very well. 

Words can't even describe what I felt watching it. And the whole time He never fought it. He was silent. He let it happened because he loved us enough to endure it. He was so full of compassion. My gosh, people were falsely accusing Him of using devils to cast out devils. And he just stood there. When Pilate said "Say something. I have the power to execute you or free you" and Jesus said "you have no power over me except what is given you from above". (I'm not sure if that is ever stated in the Bible or just used for the movie, so don't quote me on that). But it shows His character. Even on the cross, after they drove huge nails into his hands and feet, He had compassion on the criminal next to Him and said "Today you will be with me in Paradise". WHAT?! I would have said "Screw you, you're the guilty one!" When they called Him a blasphemer, he did nothing. Inside, I was screaming "No, you're not! Tell them your not! perform a miracle! Do something!" On the cross, he said "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do". Are you kidding me?! Those jerks are killing you! And even when they mocked Him and said to come down off that cross, He stayed. He had all the power in the world to come down, but He stayed. 

Wow. I don't care who you are. If you love Jesus or hate Jesus, there's no denying that anybody who reacts like that to public hatred and cruelty upon facing their death is someone to be admired. 

I can't handle how amazing He is. I'm literally caught up in this, so much so that I can't even type to express how I feel. I want so badly for you all to let it soak in and realize what He truly did! What He did is so unheard of. It's the most love you could ever ever show. He suffered thee worst torture and death in history. Yet He never reacted out of anger, told them what's up, or tried to get out of it. Believe me, He could. 

This isn't just a good story! When will we stop treating it as such? I know it happened over 2000 years ago but it's just as much alive today as it was then. Imagine if you were living in Israel just a year after it happened and you were passing the story down to your kids. "I remember last year when there was this really great guy and He was crucified. It was the worst thing I've ever seen. I honestly don't know what He did wrong, but they must have thought it was pretty bad to kill Him like that." I mean, seriously, we remember 9-11 like it was yesterday. Citizens of that time probably remembered it like it was yesterday, too. Imagine a breaking news story popping up on your screen. "Man brutally murdered at 3pm today. Police brutality is under investigation. Crime is still unknown". This is completely and utterly real! It was horrible! It was tragic! And yet it was the greatest thing to ever happen to us because this means we are saved from this hell hole! 

I pray for my friends who don't love Jesus, whether they don't know Him or they chose not to. I'm tired of being embarrassed by my religion and afraid to tell the story."A servant is not greater than His master. If they persecuted me, they will persecute you". As in, if they brutality murder Him, we should expect a lot worse to happen to us. I'm not saying we're going to die on a cross, but I am saying that life is about to get real uncomfortable for a lot of us. People are going to hate us. Our freedom to worship God may someday be taken away. Standing up for Him may mean public ridicule and embarrassment or even death. I just have this feeling that things are about to get real bad around here. It scares me but it gives me a sense of urgency. People need to know this story. They need Jesus to be saved. 

After seeing what He endured for us, suddenly my little problems don't seem as bad anymore. Ah, man, I gotta wake up for class. I have a headache. I don't have enough money to go out. I'm tired and don't feel like being productive. 

Wow, we are really pathetic. 

Father, forgive us, for we do not know what we do. Constantly remind us of what you did out of love for us. We spit in your face and yet you still look on us with compassion. Give us the strength to share this awesome story with others. Give us a sense of urgency to remember that we don't have all the time in the world. You've already saved us, you already won. I pray that we believe it. 

1 comment:

  1. That was amazing!!! Lottie, you hit it right on the head with this! Thank you for sharing your revelation with us and I pray that you continue to let God use you! :)
