Christians must be perfect.
Perfect? Since when do "Christians" have to be perfect? There is not place in the Bible that gives reference to any person having it all together and being the "perfect" example. To think that we must reach the standard of perfection is a lie and it's the reason we get so easily frustrated in our relationship with God.
So where does this standard come from? It comes from within ourselves. We compare ourselves to so-called "perfect Christians" who seem to have it all together when in reality they are as screwed up as we are.They aren't perfect but we have it in our minds that they are. We see what they do and see that as the bar we set for ourselves - the point we need to reach. Truth is, there is no perfect being because the only perfect man to ever walk this Earth is Jesus. We are all valueless without him and if you think otherwise, you deceive yourself - something I previously stated in my last blog "what are you living for".
We think we have to have it all together before God will use us. We see others whose lives ooze godliness so we instantly feel guilty because we aren't like that. In fact, we're not even close to that. I'm definitely not even close to that. I can't compare to those other seemingly-perfect, "I've got this Jesus stuff figured out" type people. I'm a screw up on multiple occasions. I struggle with the battle between loving the world and loving God. I try to be a good Christian, but when it comes down to it I'm just trying to be moralistic to fit in with my "Christian" friends and to win favor in God's eyes. I feel like I'm climbing this ladder of morals to reach the standard that's been set but the top seems so hard and far away that all I do is just get frustrated and give up.
"I can't meet that standard! I can't be like those Christians. They get it, understand it, and have it all together. I don't!"
So instead of being real about who I am, I try to impress others with my godly goodness. If they're going to like me, I got to be on the same level as them. You guys, being moral does not make you a better Christian. If that were so, then God sent his son in vain.Your works will not save you. Only God can save you. There is nothing we can do to gain God's love, mercy, or grace. We just have to believe it and accept it.
Under the standard of perfection, we are rot with the idea that Christians don't sin. If they sin, they don't love God. If we are not morally right, God will not forgive us. We need to be perfect so that means we can't struggle with anything or have deep underlining issues we're too afraid to expose.... Wow. How unfortunate for us to believe this. When we believe this, we put on a facade so that we appear to have it all together.We mask up what's on the inside and it'll eventually tear us apart. Plus, it gives non believers a false sense of Christianity. We put the thought in their mind that having a relationship with God is easy and that we don't struggle and nothing bad ever happens to us anymore. When we aren't real about our struggles, new believers are in for a surprise when they realize it's not all ice cream and roses with God. Yeah, actually, it is going to be tough. "In this world you will have troubles but take heart for I have overcome the world" John 16:33. Let's get real. We all struggle, we all sin, we all are imperfect We can not set standards of perfect Christianity because there is no such thing as a perfect christian.
"I can't meet that standard! I can't be like those Christians. They get it, understand it, and have it all together. I don't!"
So instead of being real about who I am, I try to impress others with my godly goodness. If they're going to like me, I got to be on the same level as them. You guys, being moral does not make you a better Christian. If that were so, then God sent his son in vain.Your works will not save you. Only God can save you. There is nothing we can do to gain God's love, mercy, or grace. We just have to believe it and accept it.
Under the standard of perfection, we are rot with the idea that Christians don't sin. If they sin, they don't love God. If we are not morally right, God will not forgive us. We need to be perfect so that means we can't struggle with anything or have deep underlining issues we're too afraid to expose.... Wow. How unfortunate for us to believe this. When we believe this, we put on a facade so that we appear to have it all together.We mask up what's on the inside and it'll eventually tear us apart. Plus, it gives non believers a false sense of Christianity. We put the thought in their mind that having a relationship with God is easy and that we don't struggle and nothing bad ever happens to us anymore. When we aren't real about our struggles, new believers are in for a surprise when they realize it's not all ice cream and roses with God. Yeah, actually, it is going to be tough. "In this world you will have troubles but take heart for I have overcome the world" John 16:33. Let's get real. We all struggle, we all sin, we all are imperfect We can not set standards of perfect Christianity because there is no such thing as a perfect christian.
The Bible did not tell us to be perfect. There are only two things we are called to do:
1. Love God
2. Love others
That's it. He didn't say "get your act together and be perfect so I can send you out to love others". That never happened in the Bible. Think about the story of Rahab. She was a prostitute but God used her to serve other people (Joshua 2:1-16). Who says you have to be perfect to start helping people? He just said to GO.
No characters in the Bible were perfect. Even the ones who seemed that way.
David committed adultry and killed a man (2nd Samuel 11)
Peter denied Jesus 3 times (Matthew 26)
In a Mark Driscoll sermon, he spoke about how in 1 Peter 3, we are to be like Sarah. Why Sarah? She was not perfect at all. She followed an unwise husband and gave bad advice. She made poor choices. But Driscoll then stated that even though she was not perfect, God used her. And by grace she was able to learn and grow. She continued to pursue God.
You guys, we can't be perfect. We can't measure up to the world's standards of godliness. That would just be moralistic and religious. We need to pursue a relationship with God. Like Sarah we are imperfect humans who are going to mess up all the time. What matters is where your heart is. Do you continue to pursue God? Are you growing and learning from your experiences? "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." James 1:2-4.
We follow a man who loved others and truly got to know their emotions and issues. That's what we are called to do. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" Luke 6:31. You would want someone to notice you, care about you, show you love in the form of words and actions, hang out with you, speak kindly to you, hug you, get lunch with you, be there for you, and be your friend. You don't need to be perfect to follow that call in our lives. We can't set ourselves up for failure. Trying to reach an unreachable standard is like flying to the moon in your car. Ridiculous, frustrating, draining, and useless.
Learn. Grow. Pursue. Love God. Love Others. That is our standard.
We follow a man who loved others and truly got to know their emotions and issues. That's what we are called to do. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" Luke 6:31. You would want someone to notice you, care about you, show you love in the form of words and actions, hang out with you, speak kindly to you, hug you, get lunch with you, be there for you, and be your friend. You don't need to be perfect to follow that call in our lives. We can't set ourselves up for failure. Trying to reach an unreachable standard is like flying to the moon in your car. Ridiculous, frustrating, draining, and useless.
Learn. Grow. Pursue. Love God. Love Others. That is our standard.